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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/23/07
Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Andy Goldman, Jane Slater, Janet Weidner, Bill Randol and Warren Doty.  Graduate student Sandra Polly and Chuck Hodgkinson also attended.  Absent were Russell Maloney and Karin Wetmore.     

Mr. Goldman opened the meeting at 7:01 PM.
1.      STONE WALL RESTORATION PHASE II UPDATE:  Chuck H. informed the Committee that stone wall restoration consent forms have been received from three of the nine property abutters.

2.      2006 ANNUAL REPORT:  The Committee reviewed the draft 2006 Annual Report.  A motion to approve the draft as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

3.      POSSIBLE OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION LAND ACQUISITION: Chuck H. outlined that there may be a possibility for the Town to acquire a small parcel of land – Map 32 Lot 48 – that could be used as overflow parking space for the Hariph’s Creek boat launch ramp.  The lot is approximately 940 feet east of the launch ramp and abuts Moses West Road.  The Committee discussed and it was not clear whether or not this might qualify for CPA funding.  The Committee recommended the Town continue investigating this opportunity even if it is not eligible for CPA funds.

4.      ROBERT THORSON SUMMER VISIT AND LECTURE:  Chuck H. informed the Committee that Robert Thorson has finally responded and is interested in giving a lecture on Chilmark’s historic stone walls and perhaps guide a field walk sometime this summer.  The Historical Commission would host the event and perhaps hold it at the Library.  Chuck H. will try to contact Mr. Thorson again and obtain a commitment.

5.      ADMINISTRATION:  The committee reviewed and approved two invoices for the Middle Line Road Community Housing Program from Vineyard Land Surveying.  These costs will be paid from the $212,000 CPA appropriation.

6.   MINUTES:  The 12/21/06 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

7.      NEXT MEETING:  The next CPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2007       @ 7:00 PM.  The Committee will forward their travel schedules to Chuck H. to determine if the meeting should be postponed.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.